This guide will take you through the process of installing Xapiand and familiarize you with the concepts that will allow you to use search and storage indexes. DON'T PANIC, it will take just a few minutes.

Installing and Running

# Install with Homebrew:
~ $ brew tap Kronuz/tap
~ $ brew install xapiand

# Run in foreground with very verbose output:
~ $ mkdir my-database
~ $ cd my-database
~/my-database $ xapiand -vvvv

You can also check the Installation section for more details.


Let's try and index some twitter like information. First, let's create a twitter user, and add some tweets (the twitter index will be created automatically):

{% capture req %}

PUT /twitter/user/Kronuz?pretty

  "name" : "German M. Bravo"

{% endcapture %} {% include curl.html req=req %}

{% capture req %}

PUT /twitter/tweet/1?pretty

  "user": "Kronuz",
  "postDate": "2016-11-15T13:12:00",
  "message": "Trying out Xapiand, so far, so good... so what!"

{% endcapture %} {% include curl.html req=req %}

{% capture req %}

PUT /twitter/tweet/2?pretty

  "user": "Kronuz",
  "postDate": "2016-10-15T10:31:18",
  "message": "Another tweet, will it be indexed?"

{% endcapture %} {% include curl.html req=req %}

You can dig a little deeper in the Modifying Your Data section.


Now, let's see if the information that was added by GETting it:

{% capture req %}

GET /twitter/user/Kronuz?pretty

{% endcapture %} {% include curl.html req=req %}

{% capture req %}

GET /twitter/tweet/1?pretty

{% endcapture %} {% include curl.html req=req %}

{% capture req %}

GET /twitter/tweet/2?pretty

{% endcapture %} {% include curl.html req=req %}

Let's find all the tweets that Kronuz posted:

{% capture req %}

GET /twitter/tweet/:search?q=user:Kronuz&pretty

{% endcapture %} {% include curl.html req=req %}

You can find out more in the Exploring Your Data section.

Where to go from here?

Xapiand is both a simple and complex product. We've so far learned the basics of what it is, how to look inside of it, and how to work with it using some of the REST APIs. Hopefully this guide has given you a better understanding of what Xapiand is and more importantly, inspired you to further experiment with the rest of its great features!

Tutorials can be found in the Tutorials section.