RESTful Features of the Xapiand API

Xapiand uses a RESTful API exposed using JSON (or MessagePack) over HTTP.

When we talk about our API, we use terms like "REST" and "RESTful." "REST" stands for Representational State Transfer{:target="_blank"}.

The conventions listed in here can be applied throughout the REST API, unless otherwise specified.

RESTful HTTP Methods

You may see these standard HTTP methods referred to as CRUD, or Create, Read, Update, Delete. Although CRUD has roots in database operations, you can also map those operations to the standard HTTP methods. For example, use a POST request to create a new resource, a GET request to read or retrieve a resource, a PATCH request to edit a resource, and a DELETE request to delete a resource.

Deviations from REST

We do our best to use standard HTTP methods with accurate and well-known status codes in the Xapiand API, but here are some additions and deviations.

Additionally to the standard HTTP methods, we also use MERGE and STORE methods for certain operations.

HTTP methods and response codes

{: .note .info} Idempotent methods
An idempotent HTTP method is a HTTP method that can be called many times without different outcomes. It would not matter if the method is called only once, twice or a hundred times over, the result should be the same. This only applies to the result, not the resource itself.

If your firewall rules don't support HTTP methods like PATCH, MERGE, STORE or DELETE, use the X-HTTP-Method-Override{:target="blank"} (or _HTTP-Method-Override) header. Pass the method you want to use in the X-HTTP-Method-Override header and make your call using the POST method. The override won't work with any other method, so if you try and use the override header with a GET, PATCH, MERGE, STORE, PUT, or DELETE method, you'll receive an error.

JSON and MsgPack

The Xapiand API can process JSON objects or MsgPack objects, MsgPack being more efficient as it is the internal representation of the data.

Deviations from JSON


JSON can have C-style /* */ block or single line // comments. Comments are allowed everywhere in the JSON document.

Trailing Commas

JSON can have trailing commas.

Hex Codes

JSON Accepts binary codes as escaped "\xHH" in strings.

Multiple Indices

Most APIs that refer to an index parameter support execution across multiple indices, using simple test1,test2,test3 notation.

{% if site.serving %} <!-- It also support _all for all indices, wildcards, for example: test*, *test, te*t or *test*, and the ability to "exclude" (-), for example: test*,-test3.

All multi indices API support the following url query string parameters:

If none is specified then wildcard expansion will be disabled and if all is specified, wildcard expressions will expand to all indices (this is equivalent to specifying open,closed).

The defaults settings for the above parameters depend on the api being used. --> {% endif %}

{: .note .info} Single index APIs such as the Document APIs and the single-index alias APIs do not support multiple indices.